Jessica Brilliant Keener

  • 2019
  • Lebhar-Friedman
  • Paperback, Audio, Kindle
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Time to Make the Donuts: The Founder of Dunkin Donuts Shares an American Journey

It all started when Bill Rosenberg took a leap of faith and bet his future on a donut.

William Rosenberg is the founder of Dunkin' Donuts, a franchising pioneer, horseman, multiple cancer survivor, and philanthropist. He has received numerous awards and honors including Fortune Magazine's Small Business Hall of Fame and the International Franchise Association Hall of Fame. In 1959, Rosenberg founded the International Franchise Association, an organization which has grown to more than 30,000 members. Recognized worldwide for creating a dynasty selling coffee and donuts, Mr. Rosenberg died in 2002 at the age of 86.

Time to Make the Donuts is co-written by Jessica Keener.

Media and praise for Time to Make the Donuts: The Founder of Dunkin Donuts Shares an American Journey

"Bill Rosenberg's story is truly inspirational. He started with a donut, he worked hard, and he built an empire." Fred Deluca, Founder of Subway

"Rosenberg is the embodiment of the American free-enterprise dream." Jim Amos, CEO and Chairman of MAIL BOXES, ETC.

"When Rosenberg gives advice, I follow it to the letter. Never has been, and never will be, anyone like him." Bud Hadfield, Founder of KWIK KOPY